How to Heat Up Oat Milk? (Stove | Microwave)

Heating oat milk may seem like a straightforward task, but there’s more to it than meets the eye.

The unique properties of oat milk, such as its thickness and natural sweetness, can change when heated, affecting both taste and texture.

This blog post aims to guide you through the various aspects of heating oat milk to ensure that your experience is nothing short of perfect.

Whether you’re a coffee enthusiast looking to find that ideal oat milk temperature or someone who just enjoys a warm, comforting cup, this guide has you covered.

In the following sections, we’ll go over two main methods for heating oat milk: the stovetop method and the microwave method.

Each has its own set of guidelines and best practices, which we will delve into for a comprehensive understanding. So, stick around as we take you step-by-step through the ultimate oat milk heating guide.

How to Heat Up Oat Milk on the Stove: A Step-by-Step Guide

The stovetop method is a classic and offers precise control over the heating process.

It’s perfect for those who enjoy a well-calibrated approach to their beverages. Let’s go through the steps:


Pour the desired amount of oat milk into a saucepan. Make sure to choose a saucepan that’s appropriate for the quantity of oat milk you’re using to prevent overflowing.

Setting the Stove

Place the saucepan on the stove and turn the heat to a medium-low setting. The aim is to achieve even and gentle heating without scalding the oat milk.


As the oat milk begins to warm up, it’s crucial to stir it occasionally with a wooden spoon or a whisk.

This action helps in even heating and prevents the formation of a skin on the top of the milk.

Monitoring Temperature

Once you notice steam starting to rise and small bubbles forming around the edges of the saucepan, you know you’re getting close to the desired temperature.

Some people use a kitchen thermometer at this stage for more accuracy.

Final Check and Pour

When the oat milk has reached your preferred temperature, remove the saucepan from the stove.

You can now pour the heated oat milk into your mug or mix it with another beverage like coffee or tea.

By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your oat milk heats evenly and retains its delicious flavor and texture.

How to Heat Up Oat Milk in the Microwave: Quick and Convenient

For those who are pressed for time or simply want a quicker way to heat oat milk, the microwave is your best bet.

It’s convenient, fast, and requires fewer utensils. Here’s how to do it:

Selection of Oat Milk and Mug

First off, grab a microwave-safe mug and fill it with the oat milk. Make sure not to fill it too full, as you don’t want it to spill over during the heating process.

Setting the Microwave

Place the filled mug in the center of the microwave. Close the door securely and set the microwave to a medium heat setting. This is to prevent the oat milk from getting too hot too quickly.


Activate the microwave and heat the oat milk for around 30 seconds. Remember, the key here is not to overheat, as oat milk can thicken or even form a skin on top if it gets excessively hot.

Checking Temperature

After the initial 30 seconds, take out the mug carefully—use an oven mitt or a towel for safety. Give the oat milk a good stir with a spoon.

To test the temperature, you can either dip a finger in, use a kitchen thermometer or take a small sip. If it’s not warm enough to your liking, feel free to return it to the microwave for another 10-15 seconds.


And there you have it! Your oat milk should now be at the perfect temperature for you to enjoy alone or as a part of your favorite beverage.

The microwave method is particularly useful when you’re in a hurry and want to heat your oat milk efficiently. Now you’ve got options, whether you prefer the stovetop or the microwave!

Common Questions About Heating Oat Milk: What You Need to Know

It’s natural to have questions when you’re dealing with something as simple yet nuanced as heating oat milk. So let’s address some of the most frequent queries people have.

Is It OK to Boil Oat Milk?

Boiling oat milk isn’t recommended as it can alter its texture, making it thick and gooey. For best results, heat it to just below boiling point.

How Can I Avoid a Skin Forming on the Top?

Frequent stirring while heating on the stove, or pausing to stir during microwaving, can prevent a skin from forming on the top of your oat milk.

Can I Reheat Oat Milk?

Reheating oat milk is generally fine, but be cautious. Overheating can compromise the flavor and texture. If you’ve added it to coffee or tea, it’s best to enjoy it fresh.

Does Heating Oat Milk Affect Its Nutritional Value?

Minimal heating is unlikely to significantly affect the nutritional content of oat milk. However, excessive heat can degrade some nutrients, so moderate temperatures are best.

Can I Use Oat Milk in Cooking Just Like Regular Milk?

Absolutely, oat milk can be a fantastic substitute for regular milk in most recipes. Just be aware that it might add a slightly sweeter flavor.

Does Oat Milk Separate When Heated?

Some store-bought oat milk varieties can separate when heated due to added stabilizers or emulsifiers. A good shake or stir usually resolves this.

Can You Freeze Heated Oat Milk?

It’s not advisable to freeze oat milk after it has been heated, as this can alter its texture and flavor. It’s best to use heated oat milk right away.

Pro Tips for Heating Oat Milk: Get the Most Out of Your Plant-Based Drink

Want to take your oat milk heating game to the next level? These pro tips can make all the difference:

Use a Thermometer for Precise Heating

If you’re picky about the temperature of your oat milk, consider using a kitchen thermometer. This can help you achieve the exact temperature you desire without the guesswork.

Consider the End Use

The way you intend to use the oat milk may affect how you heat it. For example, oat milk destined for a latte might be heated differently than oat milk for cooking or baking.

Spice It Up

Want to add some flair to your oat milk? Try incorporating spices like cinnamon or nutmeg before heating. This will infuse the milk with flavor, creating a warm, aromatic beverage.

Use a Frother for Lattes

If you’re using oat milk for a latte, consider using a milk frother after heating. This will give your oat milk that lovely, frothy texture commonly associated with professional lattes.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Heating Oat Milk

Whether you’re a newcomer to the oat milk scene or a seasoned pro, there are some pitfalls that everyone should steer clear of. Here they are:

  1. Overheating: Oat milk has a different consistency and sugar content compared to cow’s milk, which makes it more susceptible to scalding. A burnt taste is not what you want in your morning coffee.
  2. Ignoring Visual Cues: Look out for steam and small bubbles around the edge of the saucepan or the surface of the milk in the microwave-safe mug. These are good indicators that your oat milk is reaching the desired temperature.
  3. Using High Heat: Whether you’re using a stove or a microwave, high heat settings can ruin the texture of your oat milk. Stick to medium or medium-low settings for a smooth, creamy finish.
  4. Skipping the Stir: You might be tempted to set your oat milk to heat and walk away, but resist the urge. Stirring occasionally ensures even heating and prevents a skin from forming on the top.
  5. Wrong Cookware: Using an inappropriate saucepan that’s either too large or too small can lead to uneven heating and potential spill-over.
  6. Not Testing Temperature: Always check the temperature before you add the heated oat milk to another beverage. An instant-read thermometer can be a great tool for this, but the good old finger-test works too—just be cautious!

Avoid these mistakes, and you’re well on your way to oat milk nirvana.


Heating oat milk is a straightforward process, but the method you choose can make a difference.

Whether using a stovetop or microwave, following the right steps ensures you’ll enjoy your oat milk at its best.

Now, you’re equipped to heat oat milk perfectly every time. Cheers!