What Do Scallops Taste Like? (Sweet | Metallic | Bitter |Ammonia)

Scallops are a common type of seafood. They come from the genus “Pecten” and have a slightly sweet, yet salty flavor. Scallops are consumed mostly by humans, but they can also be fed to animals such as poultry and pigs. Scallop consumption is popular around the world due to its versatility in cooking methods.

Fried scallop with butter and lemon

What are scallops?

Scallops are a type of sea animal that can be eaten as food. They are mollusk, and they live in ocean floor beds and near coastal areas. Scallops range in size from a few ounces to over one pound.

Scallops can also be prepared in many different ways for eating; some popular include deep-frying, pan-searing, baking, chargrilling, and sauteeing. Some people enjoy them raw as sushi as well.

There are many different species of scallops, and they can be identified in many ways by their unique names. Some types include Bay Scallops, Sea Scallops, Day Scallops, Quahogs, and Steamers.

Scallops have a mild flavor that is easily paired with other foods. The texture is smooth and can be slightly chewy when cooked well done. Their taste is similar to clams or oysters but it is much more subtle.

What do scallops taste like?

The taste of scallops is often described as mildly sweet, and they are highly prized for this flavor.

However, each type of scallop will have its own distinct taste based on the preparation method.For example, the Patagonian sea scallop, which has a mildly sweet flavor and a nutty taste. When cooked properly, the texture also was soft and smooth.

The Japanese sea scallop tastes like soy sauce and butter when eaten raw or slightly undercooked.

When cooked it tastes like subtle umami flavors with subtle hints of sesame seeds on its shell’s surface.

What do fried scallops taste like?

Fried scallops are delicious and will be a crowd-pleaser. The light, crispy batter complements the tender, juicy morsels of scallop at the heart of each appetizer.

The taste of fried scallops is not too different from that of cooked scallops, but it has an added element of crunch to it.

Fried scallops are great as an appetizer on their own or with a side dish such as roasted potatoes or even kale salad.

Do scallops taste similar to other sea foods?

In this section, we will compare the taste of scallop with other seafood. We all love seafood, and the ocean is full of them.

Shrimp and crab

Scallop tastes similar to other types of seafood, like shrimp and crab. They also have a sweeter taste than most of the types of seafood. It is slightly salty, with a slight hint of sweetness.


Clams are also a similar food, but they have a much stronger flavor and are usually consumed with hot sauce or in stews. Scallops can be enjoyed as sushi as well since they’re very easy to prepare in this form of meal.


Oysters taste very similar to scallops, as oysters are another type of bivalve mollusk. Like that of a clam, the oyster also has a very strong and distinct flavor. Scallops have a granular texture.


Prawns and scallops are very close in taste, as they are both crustaceans. Prawns have a sweeter flavor, but still taste similar to scallops.


Like the prawn, scallops can also be compared to chicken. Scallop’s flavor is much lighter than that of chicken, but they’re easy to compare due to both their white, granular texture and their sweet and salty taste. Scallops can be cooked with chicken, either by broiling or by boiling.

Why do scallops taste like Chemicals?

When scallops taste like ammonia it means they are spoiling. Bad scallops will have an ammonia-like smell and a white or yellowish film on the exterior.

If you know you’ve purchased fresh scallops and this “chemical” smell is coming from your pan when cooking them, it’s because of overcooking the scallops—they should be cooked until they’re just barely opaque on the outside.

On the other hand, if fresh scallops taste like iodine or bleach it is because that the scallop’s natural diet is also rich in these elements, accounting for their strong flavor. The iodine taste applies to shrimp as well, the browner shrimps tend to taste more iodine.

Why do scallops taste metallic?

If you are used to buying frozen scallops, you might have noticed that they taste a little different than the fresh ones. This is because of a chemical called sodium tripolyphosphate or STP.

Scallops are often soaked in this solution to make them retain their moisture and prevent them from sticking together. The problem, however, is that the STP can impart an unpleasant flavor to the meat and lead to an odd metallic aftertaste.

The best solution is to look for scallops that haven’t been soaked in STP, but if you don’t have that option, you can remove the chemical from your meal by soaking it in water for a few minutes or rinsing with vinegar. To neutralize the aftertaste of STP, sprinkle some lemon juice on the scallops before serving.

How to fix bitter scallops?

Many people are unsure about if they should eat scallops or not. There is a reason for that. Scallops can become “bitter” by their reaction to the iodine used in their preservation process which results in an unpleasantly metallic taste, another reason to be hesitant of them.

However, if you soak and wash the scallops in water mixed with cornstarch for several minutes before sauteing or barbecuing them, this will remove the excess iodine and eliminate the bitter taste.

If you have already cooked the scallops, try adding lemon juice to reduce the bitter taste.